Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Project Kermit.......

Project relocate Kermit was a little project of mine to remove and relocate 3 very loud and annoying tree frogs from Tyson's pool. The first few days after they showed up I actually enjoyed listening to them chirp, croke, sing or what ever you want to call the noise they make. Anyway by around day 3 of them being directly outside of my bedroom window, I decided enough was enough and they had to go. The first night I decided they would be better off singing at Jerry Pond rather then my backyard, I managed to catch this little guy. He was sitting on the side of Tyson's pool and was more interested in what I am guessing was his soon to be girlfriend sitting across from him to even notice me.

I was able to catch him quite easily and put him in a box (yes with wholes) and wait for my Mom to help hold him until we got to Jerry Pond. There he was able to find a nice new home right next to the water and a lovely row of trees.

The second one was nabbed the next day, with the help of Tyson. Thankfully it was rainy and cold so he was in no mood to hop away and went into the box quite nicely. Because Tyson was actually awake for this one, he had to bring it inside to play with for a bit before we could bring him/her to Jerry Pond to join it's friend.

Once Tyson finally decided he was ready to go to his new home, we got in my mom's car and drove him down. I decided since my mom had helped move the first one, she should be there for the relocation of the rest that followed.

Tyson holding onto him nice and tight for the ride.

Once we arrived at Jerry Pond, Tyson took it upon himself to make sure the little frog found his way safely up a tree. I am sure the "help" from Tyson into said tree was way more tramatic for the little frog then the move itself.

Sadly I have no photos of the 3rd and finally frog to make it's way from my backyard to it's new relocated home. I am sure just by his large size that he/she was most likely the source of the majority of the noise. Anyway I am happy to report that as of now there are no frogs keeping me up all night.

(No frogs were harmed in the Kermit Relocation Program)

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