Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bumps and bruses.....

Poor Tyson just can't seem to catch a break lately. The other night Tyson asked if he could fall asleep in my room and fall he did. He somehow fell out of my bed and hit the bed frame, cutting his eye and giving him one nasty bruise. When he first started crying I figured the timer on the TV had shut off and he was upset that he could not watch cartoons any more. It was not until he came out to me with blood all down his face that I know something had happened. He didn't cry too much, in fact he was more upset about me finding the camera then he was in actually being hurt. He has this thing where he always wants to see a picture of himself if he is hurt or being silly. I tried to clean him up a little first, but he would not let me touch him until I took the picture. Looking at him I really though he as going to need to go to the hospital to get a few stitches, but once he actually let me look at him and clean him up, I didn't think it was quite that bad. I had some steri-strips from when I had my knee surgeries, so I just used those to pull the edges together. I really though he as going to end up with a nasty scar, but I think it might heal well enough that he only has a little one. Hopefully I can keep that kid BO-BO free until his appointment Friday for his MRI.

Tyson with his banged up face.

Tyson and his protector, Thomas.

There was no way Thomas was going to let me wake him up.

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