Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Something special for my Mom.

Right down the street from our apartment is the flower district. Now I'm not sure if that is what it is actually called, but it's how we have all chosen to refer to it as. The district consists of an entire street block of nothing but flower shops, tree lots and planter stores. Having spent most of my summer days walking around the greenhouse where my mother works, I have grown to associate seeing flowers here, to feeling a little closer to her back home. Even Tyson had a moment where he broke down and cried saying that the looking at all the flowers made him miss his Nannie. So Mom, these photos are for you, to show you just some of what the flower district has to offer here. We both miss you so much and are looking forward to when the greenhouse is full and we are once again walking around visiting with you.

(Hopefully we will be spending more time in the kayaks on the water than in the greenhouse.)

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